Get the Latest News About Laurie Pryor’s Campaign and Work as Our State RepresentativeLegislative Update: Joint Hearing on Early Childhood and Public Safety
Neighbors, We have reached the second legislative committee deadline, hearing many bills into the evening this week. Today the Early Childhood and Public Safety committees held a joint hearing to discuss the impact investments in early childhood have on public safety....
Legislative Update: Working on Solutions
Neighbors, For the first time this session I presented a bill in the Human Services Policy and Finance Committee to modify Medical Assistance eligibility requirements of employed persons with disabilities (MA-EPD). MA-EPD is a lifeline for working people living with...
Rep. Pryor Joins Colleagues to Stand with Ukraine
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 24. 2022 Rep. Pryor Joins Colleagues to Stand with Ukraine St. Paul, Minn. – St. Paul, MN - In response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, today the Minnesota House passed broadly bipartisan legislation divesting Minnesota’s state pensions...
Legislative Update: Committee Highlights
Neighbors, Spring is always a time of hope and renewal. As the new season begins this weekend, I hope you can enjoy our warmer temperatures. We’ve earned a respite from the cold! Here is an update from the Capitol. Committee Highlights Many of you follow our work on...
Legislative Update: Committee Highlights
Neighbors, This week, our legislative committees heard a full slate of bills as our House DFL Economic Security Plan takes shape. Committee Highlights In Tuesday’s Early Childhood committee, Rep. Kelly Morrison presented legislation to establish a universal, voluntary...
Legislative Update: Budget Forecast Announced
Neighbors, This week, the new economic forecast was announced, showing a $9.25 billion budget surplus for the current biennium. The analysis does not incorporate inflationary costs or the various impacts of the Russian military invasion of Ukraine. Despite these...
Legislative Update: Help for Frontline Workers
Neighbors, Thursday, the Minnesota House of Representatives approved legislation to deliver frontline workers up to $1,500 in bonus pay for their role in helping to protect Minnesotans during the pandemic. The bill dedicates $1 billion for bonus payments to thousands...
Legislative Update: Safe Drinking Water, Paid Family Medical Leave, Housing
Neighbors, Every week, we learn more about how we can improve the overall health and well-being of Minnesotans, and last week was no exception. In the Preventive Health Policy Division, we heard HF3003, to appropriate funds for statewide testing for the presence of...
Legislative Update: Survey Link, Committee Highlights
Neighbors, The second week of session has concluded, and it was certainly a busy week. I continue to serve on the same committees as last session, including as vice chair of Early Childhood Finance & Policy. My other committees are Preventive Health Policy...
Legislative Update: The 2022 Legislative Session Begins
Neighbors, The 2022 Legislative Session convened at noon Monday, January 31, and echoing the work of the last two years, this session will focus on helping Minnesotans most impacted by the pandemic. Many of our neighbors have been deeply affected in every part of...