Representing District 48A, Minnetonka and Eden Prairie
During my first two terms as State Representative, I focused on what best serves the great folks of our community and state. This includes reaching across the aisle to introduce bipartisan legislation and standing as a moderate voice who puts politics aside to get the job done. I am committed to safe and healthy communities, economic opportunity, and educational excellence. I am proud to be running for re-election. Let’s continue on our path forward.

Representing District 49A, Minnetonka and Eden Prairie
During my three terms as State Representative, I focused on what best serves the great folks of our community and state. This includes reaching across the aisle to introduce bipartisan legislation and standing as a moderate voice who puts politics aside to get the job done. I am committed to safe and healthy communities, economic opportunity, and educational excellence. I am proud to be running for re-election. Let’s continue on our path forward.
Rep. Pryor Joins Colleagues to Stand with Ukraine
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 24. 2022 Rep. Pryor Joins Colleagues to Stand with Ukraine St. Paul, Minn. – St. Paul, MN - In response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, today the Minnesota House passed broadly bipartisan legislation divesting Minnesota’s state pensions...
Legislative Update: Committee Highlights
Neighbors, Spring is always a time of hope and renewal. As the new season begins this weekend, I hope you can enjoy our warmer temperatures. We’ve earned a respite from the cold! Here is an update from the Capitol. Committee Highlights Many of you follow our work on...
Legislative Update: Committee Highlights
Neighbors, This week, our legislative committees heard a full slate of bills as our House DFL Economic Security Plan takes shape. Committee Highlights In Tuesday’s Early Childhood committee, Rep. Kelly Morrison presented legislation to establish a universal, voluntary...
Legislative Update: Budget Forecast Announced
Neighbors, This week, the new economic forecast was announced, showing a $9.25 billion budget surplus for the current biennium. The analysis does not incorporate inflationary costs or the various impacts of the Russian military invasion of Ukraine. Despite these...
Legislative Update: Help for Frontline Workers
Neighbors, Thursday, the Minnesota House of Representatives approved legislation to deliver frontline workers up to $1,500 in bonus pay for their role in helping to protect Minnesotans during the pandemic. The bill dedicates $1 billion for bonus payments to thousands...
Legislative Update: Safe Drinking Water, Paid Family Medical Leave, Housing
Neighbors, Every week, we learn more about how we can improve the overall health and well-being of Minnesotans, and last week was no exception. In the Preventive Health Policy Division, we heard HF3003, to appropriate funds for statewide testing for the presence of...